Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Happy birthday!

10. Wow.

Today is Emma's birthday. She's 10. I can't believe it. I feel like it has gone by so fast. I'm heading over to her school for lunch so we can hang out. She had a rough morning. Susan bought her a brand new birthday outfit but apparently she wanted roller blades. Jeremy had asked for (and gotten) roller blades for his birthday and apparently Emma wanted roller blades too! She neglected to tell the procurers of roller blades so she was a bit disappointed.

I also found out that she wants to have a party. Tonite. With all of her friends. Ugh. Saying 'no' to that makes me feel like the worst dad EVAR! but it's not to be.

Someone please let me know when parenting becomes easy. For some reason, I have a sneaky feeling that it won't.

Maybe she's feeling better now that she's at school. We'll see. I should get some cupcakes...

Happy Birthday Emma!

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